MSTP Courses
The program consists of:
- Six (6) credits in MSTP core classes
- Three (3) credits of MSTP Professional Development Seminar
- Nine (9) restricted electives from a list provided by the program chair
- Three (3) credits of applied policy analysis courses
- Nine (9) credits of electives
Students must complete 30 credit hours. Coursework includes an oral defense of a written Applied Project report (HSD 593).
For a comprehensive list of courses for the MSTP program, visit our Degree Information page.
Core program requirements:
HSD 501 Science and Technology Policy (3 credits)
Students are introduced to the role and place of science and technology in democratic societies, and learn how policy impacts their development, use, and potential risks and benefits. The course addresses the history of science and technology policy in the U.S. and how science-based research and innovation are integrated into the design and implementation of government decision-making. As part of the course, students study the history and actions leading to the formation of a science and technology-related policy of their choice. Drawing on multiple areas of expertise, the course emphasizes the need for novel yet informed approaches to science and technology policy in today’s rapidly changing world.
HSD 502 Advanced Science and Technology Policy (3 credits)
Building on HSD 501, students explore innovation systems; the relationship between science and technology policy, equity, and equality; the theory and practice of policy implementation; the utility of public value mapping; and the nature of technological fixes. This course begins to explore the policy challenges and opportunities presented by emerging and converging technologies, and a changing governance and geopolitical landscape. As part of the course, students study the implementation of a specific science and technology policy previously selected in HSD 501. The course brings a transdisciplinary approach to science and technology policy that is uniquely relevant to today’s increasingly technologically complex world.
HSD 591 MSTP Professional Development Seminar (3 credits)
HSD 591 a three-credit course, spread over the fall and spring semesters, that is designed to develop a range of professional skills and provide career-building guidance, mentorship and opportunities. The course will include the opportunity to develop and practice written and oral communication skills, professional networking and career development skills, and a range of “soft” skills, tools and perspectives necessary for thriving within complex, dynamic and diverse workplaces. It will include guest lectures and seminars from policy experts and practitioners.
HSD 593 Applied Project (3 credits)
HSD 593 is the culminating experience of the Master of Science and Technology Policy program. The course consists of a significant project that is either undertaken independently or as part of a larger initiative, and that demonstrates mastery of key knowledge, theories, analytic methods and/or skills acquired during the degree program and the ability to apply them in practical contexts. Please visit the MSTP Applied Projects page for more.