Accelerated programs
Accelerated programs

GTD 4+1
The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (4+1) Degree Program allows undergraduate students in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and the BS in Technological Entrepreneurship and Management in The Polytechnic School to start master’s level course work toward their Global Technology and Development MS degree as an undergraduate student, and complete both degrees in five years. They will be able to share 12 hours across both programs. This means that 4+1 students will be able to complete the bachelor’s/master’s program with 138 hours as opposed to 150 hours.

MSTP 4+1
The Accelerated Bachelor’s/Master’s (4+1) Degree Program allows undergraduate students in the School for the Future of Innovation in Society and the School of Social Transformation to start master’s level course work toward their Master of Science and Technology Policy degree as an undergraduate student, and complete both degrees in five years. They will be able to share 12 hours across both programs. This means that 4+1 students will be able to complete the bachelor’s/master’s program with 138 hours as opposed to 150 hours.