A person's hand pointing at the connection lines on the screen, the pointed place is bright

Discover your future

How may we better anticipate challenges and foresee global challenges?

How do we know that the technological and societal innovations we are capable of creating are actually the right ones for all of Earth’s inhabitants and even the planet itself?

The graduate degree programs established at the world’s only School for the Future of Innovation and Society take questions like these and more into account as expert faculty and researchers work with you to equip you to not simply future-proof your career, but allow you to make bold impacts through your work.

Explore graduate degree offerings

Master of Science of Global Technology

Students in the Master of Science of Global Technology and Development (GTD) come from varying academic backgrounds, with the goal of changing the world to be a better, inclusive place. As a GTD student, you will learn to recognize and analyze critical socioeconomic challenges. GTD courses will prepare you to develop equitable and sustainable solutions to problems using technological and policy-based strategies. Our alumni have successful  careers with the United Nations, international and regional Non-Government Organizations (NGO), the World Bank, U.S. Department of Energy, local municipalities, US Armed Services, and numerous other companies.

Master of Science of Global Technology and Development with a concentration in Applied International Development

This program offers students a more applied focus on policies and practices of global development within the Global Technology Development masters program. Students in the Masters in GTD-Applied International Development (AID) concentration, can select specializations in sustainability, education, public policy, and business.  Employers, such as the United Nations, non-government organizations, the World Bank and the U.S. Department of Energy are always on the look for professionals with such interdisciplinary skill sets. Our alumni have gone on to careers with Famine Early Warning Systems Network (FEWS NET), SMART Global Development and Boeing Global Services.

Master of Science in Public Interest Technology

The Master of Science  in Public Interest Technology is at the forefront of understanding and researching how technology is being utilized to better communities and entire societies. Students learn how to assess technologies, engage communities to develop public consensus, and work with people affected by technology  to help law-makers, corporations, and other organizations. Upon graduation students are ready to solve problems connected to privacy encroachment, data breaches, energy inefficiencies, inaccessibility to information, and lack of access to life-saving medical technologies. Despite being one of the newest graduate programs, alumni and current students have jobs with tech firms, the US Congress, the United Nations, and biotech companies.

Master of Science in Futures and Design

A new master’s program with the sole focus of building the future. The Master’s of Futures and Design is housed in the world-class Media and Immersive eXperience (MIX) Center. This truly future foreword building, students will learn to apply foresight and critical thinking skills to explore complex problems while incorporating design and media theories. Employers in varying industries are looking for people who can approach complex issues from different perspectives, utilize varying abilities, and have a strategic mindset.

Request information

Get in touch with the team from the School for the Future of Innovation in Society, and ask questions you may have, or to learn more!

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Contact graduate program advisor

profile picture for Zee Wilson

Zee Wilson

Student Recruitment Coordinator